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Christophe Bertrand and Ratmir Timashev have discussed all things Object First

ESG Analyst and Practice Director Christophe Bertrand and Object First’s founder Ratmir Timashev have come together to discuss all things Object First. In this video, they break down the market’s state, ransomware’s impact, and why Object First Ootbi is the best storage for Veeam.

Christophe Bertrand and Ratmir Timashev have discussed all things Object First

About Object First

Ransomware-proof and immutable out-of-the-box, Ootbi by Object First delivers secure, simple, and powerful backup storage for Veeam® customers. The appliance can be racked, stacked, and powered in 15-minutes. Ootbi is built on immutable object storage technology designed and optimized for unbeatable backup and recovery performance. Eliminate the need to sacrifice performance and simplicity to meet budget constraints with Ootbi by Object First.

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Object First