Object Storage

Reap the benefits of object storage on-premises — with high performance and out-of-the-box immutability.

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Object first server top and front view

Cloud storage is becoming less reliable.

Overall downtime increased by 38 percent in 2023 (Cloud Outage Risk Report 2023*), cutting companies off from backup and disaster recovery for over 200 hours in total.

Businesses need alternatives to stay secure. Object storage on-premises enhances enterprise security because it ensures disaster preparedness even if the cloud or the internet fails.

  • On-premises object storage is a system that uses metadata and unique identifiers to keep files organized in a flat structure without folders or blocks.

    Object storage is often synonymous with the cloud. But the cloud is just another person's computer. That’s why you can use object storage locally, keeping the benefits without the drawbacks.

    Using object storage on-premises leverages object-based architecture in a physical device within your organization's perimeter. It puts you in control of your data while offering high flexibility, scalability, and performance.

The Benefits of On-Premises Object Storage

  • Security

    High-standard security protocols such as encryption, authentication, and S3 Object Lock for immutability.

  • Simplicity

    Little to no technical expertise to set up, maintain, and navigate.

  • Performance

    Flat and flexible structure with top read and write speeds.

  • Scalability

    Automatic scaling across devices once a new appliance gets plugged in.

  • Integration

    Built-in cloud integrations to support the 3-2-1 backup scheme.

  • Low cost over time

    The average cost over time is much lower compared to pay-as-you-go in the cloud.

Got  Veeam ? Get Ootbi*:

The Best Object-Storage On-Premises For Veeam*out-of-the-box immutability

On-Premises Object Storage Use Cases

Does object storage on-premises fit your business needs? If you're worried about ransomware, recovery performance, or regulation compliance, it can alleviate your concerns.

Object first server top and front view
  • Ransomware protection

    On-premises object storage supports S3-compatible immutability, which applies the WORM principles ("write once, read many") from tapes and optical discs to modern data storage architecture. Set to compliance mode, object storage on-premises prevents security override regardless of privilege, making it as ransomware-proof as legacy solutions

  • Backup and disaster recovery

    Companies that use on-prem object storage see improvements in uptime and data retention, reflected in their RTO or RPO (recovery point objective and recovery time objective, respectively). Why? On-prem object storage marshals higher ingest speeds and supports instant recovery, which allows failed workloads to run directly from backups while restoration is underway.

  • Regulation compliance and data residency

    Some data protection laws impose geographical restrictions on data storage. If your organization is subject to such regulation, also known as data residency, object storage on-premises is the best way to ensure compliance. Besides, on-prem object storage facilitates conformity with other data regulation stipulations, such as immutability, retention schedules, and access control.

Key Features of Object Storage On-Premises

Economically minded businesses that care about security, simplicity, and performance will appreciate on-prem object storage for its cost efficiency, automatic scaling, immutability by design, and flexibility.

  • 01. It’s a One-Time Purchase

    On-prem object storage requires a single expense. Paying a flat fee for a fixed amount of storage means you can use and reuse it forever without additional costs. You can also optimize your backup strategy to make the most out of the available resources.

  • 02. It Scales on Its Own

    If your on-prem object storage appliance eventually fills up, simply plug in another with the same price tag. And don't worry about spreading data across devices - on-prem object storage does that seamlessly under the hood, so you can keep feeding it without lifting a finger.

  • 03. It’s Immutable by Design

    On-prem object storage uses S3 Object Lock for immutability to prevent overwriting, deleting, or otherwise manipulating its data. Although S3 Object Lock has flexible security settings, its most stringent configuration temporarily shuts data from everyone, even admins

  • 04. It Puts You in Control

    Every object in on-prem object storage contains access attributes. By using them, you can grant Person A write access to File 2 but only read access to File 3, and so on. This flexibility gives you granular control and supervision over your data.

  • 05. It’s Customizable

    Legal requirements, business reality, or your expectations and past experiences might call for something more than immutability. You can strengthen your on-prem object storage appliance with other security measures and protocols — for example, place it in a Faraday cage for air-gapping or disconnect it from all access points and use removable devices for data transfer.

Cloud vs. On-Premises Object Storage:
Key Differences

On-prem object storage is used as the offline copy in the 3-2-1-1-0 backup strategy. Veeam experts champion this approach as the best protection against modern security risks, including physical threats like floods, fires, etc. See the key differences in the table below.

Object storage

On-premisesIn the cloud
Offline. As a physical device, object storage on-premises can be disconnected from the outside, reducing attack exposure to an absolute minimum.Offsite. Adverse events within your perimeter do not affect the cloud. Cloud storage protects your data from local incidents, such as floods, fires, or earthquakes.
Self-sufficient. Object storage on-premises needs only one thing to work — electricity supply. And if you have your own power generator, nothing short of physical destruction stands between you and your data.Vendor - and network-dependent. Simply put, you lose access to your data if your ISP or cloud vendor suffers an outage.
Highly performant. Physical proximity allows object storage on-premises to perform much better than the cloud.Capacity-optimized. Cost issues aside, cloud object storage has practically indefinite capacity.
Flexible and customizable. You can modify it to improve features and security–while trying not to void the warranty.Vendor-locked. Cloud storage comes with fixed options. While limiting, this might mental resources to take care of other things besides storage maintenance.
Economical over time. The cost of on-prem object storage diminishes with time because the price per storage unit remains fixed while your capacity needs might fluctuate.Low entry price with high long-term costs. The more data you send to the cloud, the more expensive it becomes in dollars per unit.
  • On-premises

  • Offline. As a physical device, object storage on-premises can be disconnected from the outside, reducing attack exposure to an absolute minimum.

  • Self-sufficient. Object storage on-premises needs only one thing to work — electricity supply. And if you have your own power generator, nothing short of physical destruction stands between you and your data.

  • Highly performant. Physical proximity allows object storage on-premises to perform much better than the cloud.

  • Flexible and customizable. You can modify it to improve features and security–while trying not to void the warranty.

  • Economical over time. The cost of on-prem object storage diminishes with time because the price per storage unit remains fixed while your capacity needs might fluctuate.

  • In the cloud

  • Offsite. Adverse events within your perimeter do not affect the cloud. Cloud storage protects your data from local incidents, such as floods, fires, or earthquakes.

  • Vendor - and network-dependent. Simply put, you lose access to your data if your ISP or cloud vendor suffers an outage.

  • Capacity-optimized. Cost issues aside, cloud object storage has practically indefinite capacity.

  • Vendor-locked. Cloud storage comes with fixed options. While limiting, this might mental resources to take care of other things besides storage maintenance.

  • Low entry price with high long-term costs. The more data you send to the cloud, the more expensive it becomes in dollars per unit.

Ootbi – Best On-Premises Object Storage for  Veeam 

Stay resilient to cloud failures and internet outages with Ootbi - out-of-the-box immutable object storage purpose-built for Veeam users.

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perspective view of the server with the front panel removed

Additional information

Cybereason Annual Global Study on Ransomware Business Impact - https://www.cybereason.com/hubfs/dam/collateral/ebooks/Ransomware-True-Cost-2024-eBook.pdf