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Posts by Object First

Object FirstObject First
Object First
Object First believes in a world where data is well‑protected against malicious encryption. That's why we created Ootbi - the best storage for Veeam. We did it by engineering ransomware‑proof and immutable out‑of‑the‑box backup storage that is secure, simple, and powerful!

Enterprise Data Storage for Backups

The average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute, underscoring the urgent need for robust data storage and backup solutions to avoid catastrophic data loss and financial ruin.

Discover how enterprise storage solutions can safeguard critical information, ensure seamless operations, and provide peace of mind in a data-driven world.

| 4 min to read

Object storage vs block storage vs file storage | Full comparison

Any person working with computers in any way doesn’t need to be told about the importance of storage. Data is essential to any organization as one of its most valued assets, which is why its protection and security are a must-have for everybody. The most tiresome thing about configuring a storage solution is that quite…