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Posts por Meredith Frick

Meredith FrickMeredith Frick
Meredith Frick
Meredith Frick has held various marketing positions in the tech industry over the past two decades. She started her career in tech when she joined Alternative Technology in Denver Colorado. While at Alternative Technology she managed top tier supplier partners and moved into a leadership role for the product marketing team. During her time in distribution marketing, she found her passion for working with partners and building value added programs. She later joined Veeam Software where she continued to work with reseller partners and was instrumental in driving partner growth. In her last position at Veeam she led the Americas Demand Generation Marketing Team. In her free time, you will find her on the golf course with her husband and good friends. Meredith is a life-long dog lover and currently has two bulldogs, LuLu and Madi who rule the roost.

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Estratégia Orientada por Parceiros da

Os ataques de ransomware continuam a aumentar, visando principalmente as infraestruturas de proteção de dados, o que força muitas empresas a buscar melhores maneiras de resolver suas preocupações relacionadas à segurança de backup.
Como resultado, um mercado em rápido crescimento para sistemas de segurança da informação surgiu. No entanto, soluções que atendem a todas as necessidades muitas vezes falham, tornando-se muito caras ou difíceis de implantar e escalar.