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Posts by Jason Garbis

Jason GarbisJason Garbis
Jason Garbis

Founder and Principal, Numberline Security
Jason Garbis is an experienced contributor and influencer within the information security industry, with a focus on Zero Trust. He has authored two books on Zero Trust security, is co-chair of the Zero Trust Working Group at the Cloud Security Alliance, and is a frequent contributor to and speaker at industry conferences. In his roles at Numberline, he helps organizations prepare for, define, and execute effective Zero Trust strategies. Jason holds a CISSP certification, has a BS in Computer Science from Cornell University, and an MBA from Northeastern. Professionally, he has over 20 years of experience in the areas of Identity Management, Enterprise Security Architectures, Network Security, and Security Strategy. Previously, he served as Chief Product Officer at Appgate, and held leadership roles at security firms including RSA and Aveksa.

| 5 min de lecture

C'est la saison des conférences : Perspectives Zero Trust sur la conférence RSA et VeeamON

Le blogueur invité Jason Garbis est le fondateur de Numberline Security, co-président du groupe de travail Zero Trust à la Cloud Security Alliance, et auteur de deux livres sur le Zero Trust. Il se joint à nous pour partager des idées sur la sécurité de l'information et le Zero Trust.