Object First Aces

Il Programma Object First Aces riconosce i nostri leader comunitari e mette in mostra la loro esperienza e i loro contributi alla protezione del backup dei dati.

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Informazioni sul Programma Aces

Gli Object First Aces sono un gruppo distinto di esperti e amministratori di software Veeam Backup and Replication che si dedicano a far progredire l'industria, condividere punti di vista sinceri e aiutare la comunità più ampia a avere successo nella loro ricerca di protezione dei dati.

Questi individui sono stati selezionati in base ai loro straordinari risultati, alla vasta conoscenza dei prodotti Object First e Veeam, e all'impegno nel coinvolgere la comunità sia di persona che online.

Gruppo di esperti di Object First Aces e amministratori del software Veeam Backup and Replication
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    La nostra comunità prospera grazie alla collaborazione, alla condivisione delle conoscenze e al supporto reciproco. Gli Aces incarnano i valori che apprezziamo:

    • Aiutare i pari e i nuovi arrivati.

    • Collaborare per risolvere problemi e innovare.

    • Condividere competenze e intuizioni per beneficiare l'intera comunità.

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    Unisciti a Object First Aces e connettiti con una rete di professionisti dedicati alla protezione dei dati. I membri beneficiano di:

    • Prime intuizioni sulle nuove funzionalità e aggiornamenti del prodotto.

    • Collegamenti con leader del settore e colleghi esperti.

    • Accesso a webinar, tutorial e sessioni di formazione pratica.

Incontra gli Object First Aces

Gli Aces non sono solo esperti, ma pionieri che guidano con l'esempio. Incontra i nostri Aces distinti di seguito e scopri cosa li rende membri inestimabili della comunità Object First.

    • Chris Childerhose fotoCC
      Chris ChilderhoseCanada

      Chris works for ThinkOn as the Principal Cloud Architect. He has a passion for technology & stays on top of the ever-evolving IT realm. He’s a Veeam Vanguard 7*, Veeam Legend 3*, vExpert 5*, and VMCA/VMCE certified. He is also the author of Mastering Veeam Backup & Replication 10/11/12 by Packt Publishing.

    • Derek Loseke fotoDL
      Derek LosekeUSA

      Senior Systems Engineer at Kidwell Technologies in Omaha, Nebraska focusing on SMB’s after spending several years at a private cloud service provider. With over 20 years of IT experience, Derek is VCP6-DCV and CCNA certified with a focus on Data Protection and Business Continuity, Virtualization, Infrastructure and Cloud Services.

    • Jim Jones fotoJJ
      Jim JonesUSA

      Jim Jones is a Senior Product Infrastructure Architect at 11:11 SYSTEMS. Jim has over 20 years of experience both as a Systems Administrator in SMB and Enterprise organizations as well as an architect for service providers, specializing in virtualization and disaster recovery capabilities. Holding technical certification from vendors such as Cisco Systems, Veeam and VMware. Jim also holds degrees from Marshall University and University of Maryland. He can be found most places online @k00laidit and blogs at https://koolaid.info.

    • Karinne Bessette fotoKB
      Karinne BessetteUSA

      With expertise in network and security, she has held certifications in Microsoft 365, Azure, and Veeam Software since 2017. As a Technical Storyteller at Veeam Software’s Office of the CTO, she focuses on Microsoft 365 and backup technologies, collaborating with peers and providing valuable product feedback. Karinne is also an instructor at Knox County Career Center, a certified MCT, and an Object First ACE, teaching CompTIA and Microsoft Azure courses with a hands-on approach. (See badges on Credly: Karinne Diamond Bessette's profile on Credly ).

    • Luis Alberto Freixas Reyes fotoLA
      Luis Alberto Freixas ReyesSpain

      Working as Global Infrastructure Business Analyst, passionate about virtualization, data protection and technology, With more that 20 years of experience in the IT world. Now focused on helping others and share knowledge and experiences. vExpert, VMUG Leader, VUG Leader, Blogger, Father, Friend.

    • Maximilian Maier fotoMM
      Maximilian MaierGermany

      Max is working as a Systems Engineer for Veeam in Germany and has over 15 years experience in IT with a focus on data protection & virtualization. He is active in many IT Communities and likes to share his knowledge with others.

    • Nico Stein fotoNS
      Nico SteinUSA

      Nico Stein is a VP of IT at Signal Financial FCU, a Maryland based Credit Union. Originally started with IBM Germany, he has over 25 years of IT experiences, managing campus networks, people, and critical systems. He is also a Veeam Vanguard, VMUG leader, Cisco Champion, and vExpert.

    • Tobias Gregorius fotoTG
      Tobias GregoriusDE

      In my 25 years in IT field service, I have worked on many topics and "experienced" quite a bit. I have always had a strong interest in IT security, which I consider the foundation of any design. My second "passion" is the area of backup and disaster recovery. I have been working in this field for 8 years, advising companies on defining SLA classes and building backup solutions.

    • Tyler Jurgens fotoTJ
      Tyler JurgensCanada

      Tyler Jurgens is a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer specializing in Cloud Infrastructure, Backup, and Disaster Recovery at Stage2Data Inc. He’s an Object First Ace, Veeam Legend, vExpert, Tanzu Vanguard, and has his VMCE and VCP. He has a passion for technology and community building, running the Calgary VMUG community and being a Veeam User Group leader in Canada. Family is his passion above all, so expect proud Dad conversations from him about his children.

    • Christian Eromosele fotoCE
      Christian EromoseleGermany

      A seasoned IT Infrastructure Professional and the founder of TechDirectArchive with expertise and a strong commitment to knowledge sharing and community engagement. With a proven track record of success in technology and project delivery, operations management, and IT service management.

      He is a Microsoft MVP, Veeam Legend and Cisco Champion.

    • Eric Black fotoEB
      Eric BlackUSA

      Experienced Solutions Architect specializing in Veeam backup and recovery solutions for cloud and on-premises infrastructures. With deep expertise in VMware virtualization, Cisco UCS, and extensive experience integrating backup systems across leading storage platforms, I deliver reliable, high-performance architectures that drive efficiency and ensure robust data protection. I’m dedicated to creating solutions that prioritize data integrity and availability, empowering organizations to protect their most critical assets. I've had the privilege of working with industry giants like Microsoft, NetApp, EMC, and Avnet.

    • Jos Maliepaard fotoJM
      Jos MaliepaardNetherlands

      Jos is a data protection consultant the Netherlands. His days are filled with giving advice, designing and implementing Data Protection, Business Continuity, and VMware solutions. VMware VCP-DCV, VMCE + VMCA, HPE ASE and NL VUG Leader.

    • Luciano Patrao fotoLP
      Luciano PatraoGermany

      Working with Virtualization for 15+ years (mainly VMware). vExpert last 7 years, Veeam Vanguard 6 years. Specialties, Virtualization, Storage, and Backups. Working for ITQ as a Senior Consultant/Solution Architect and allocated In Germany.

    • Maurice Kevenaar fotoMK
      Maurice KevenaarNetherlands

      Maurice Kevenaar is a System Engineer at INFO located in Amsterdam, NL, Package maintainer and moderator for the Chocolatey Community Repository (CCR), and contributor to OSS projects. Creator of Veeam Chocolatey packages and BoxStarter scripts. Veeam Vanguard 2020-2024, Veeam Legend 2023-2024, Leader of the Automation Desk, Leader of Veeam Usergroup Netherlands and Co-founder of the Veeam Community Hackathon.

    • Michael Paul fotoMP
      Michael PaulUnited Kingdom

      Michael Paul is a Data Protection Consultant from the United Kingdom. Specialising in all things Veeam and with an interest in Microsoft Cloud & SaaS, and infrastructure. Michael can be frequently found blogging over at Michael Paul | @micoolpaul or delivering talks on data protection best practices!

    • Stijn Marivoet fotoSM
      Stijn MarivoetBelgium

      Stijn is a Veeam system engineer based in Belgium, covering Belgium-Luxembourg. He has a strong focus on end-user based problems and therefore also solutions. He loves having an audience and is fan of events. For assisting more partners then he could handle he started to promote his www.veeamclick.be website.

    • Tom May fotoTM
      Tom MayUSA

      Thomas May is a dynamic tech expert, influencer, and disruptor specializing in Disaster Recovery and Security. He has held key roles throughout his career, notably as CIO at Global Data Vault, where he drove the company's growth as a leading Veeam Cloud and Service Provider. As the founder and CEO of Different Dev, Thomas leads a team focused on cutting-edge business continuity solutions. Recognized as a Veeam Vanguard and an inaugural member of the ObjectFirst Aces program, his visionary leadership and expertise continue to shape the future of IT, driving innovation and impactful change in Disaster Recovery and Security.

    • Vince Arzaga fotoVA
      Vince ArzagaUSA

      I work on many various technologies. This includes Azure, VMware, NSX, VEEAM/OOTBI and Microsoft.
      Team Lead for the Datacenter team, I help team members with various issues in IT.
      Also proud of a super big lab my team and others use for testing/proofing new technologies.