3 Reasons Ootbi* is Best Storage for Veeam

Got Veeam? Ootbi (*out-of-the-box immutability) by Object First delivers secure, simple, and powerful backup storage for Veeam customers. The appliance can be racked, stacked, and powered in 15 minutes. Ootbi helps Veeam admins implement a Zero Trust Data Resilience architecture for unbreakable backup and recovery.

Want to learn more?  
Download the white paper and:
  • Seehow Ootbi compares with other solutions.
  • Geta blueprint for secure and powerful backup infrastructure.
  • Discoverwhy Ootbi is Best Storage for Veeam.
A brief description of the benefits of a secure, simple and powerful data warehouse for Veeam users.server with Object First logo in front panel
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